Frizz23 – Finalist for the Mies van der Rohe Award
We feel greatly honoured that the Jury has chosen Frizz23 as one of 5 finalists for the EU Mies Award.
This excerpt from the press release from the Fundació Mies van der Rohe explains the jury’s decision:
The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, have revealed the seven finalists that will compete for the 2022 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, 5 in the Architecture category and 2 in the Emerging Architecture category....
The Jury considered that the 7 finalist works encourage and become models and references for local city policies. They tackle with new management models based on the community and circular sustainability processes. The works also focus on the productive and self sufficient city which is developed in a pedagogical way, dignifying the space that we inhabit and use. They are also a result of well-developed construction processes, and the care in the use of materials and details: a dignification of the day to day architecture, a dialogue between monumentality, education and heritage.
The Jury will be visiting the finalists at the end of March, and announce the winner at the end of April.

Frizz23 shortlisted for the Mies van der Rohe Award
Frizz23 has been shortlisted for the EU Mies Award, one of the most significant international architecture awards in the world.
For three days the jury deliberated over 532 nominated works, the largest pool since the award was established in 1988. The 40 projects chosen for the shortlist include three from Germany, all of them in Berlin.
The press release from the Fundació Mies van der Rohe describes the selection process in further detail:
The EU Mies Award is awarded biennially to works completed within the previous two years and exceptionally, this time, 2,5 years. The principal objectives are to achieve a thorough understanding of the transformation of the built environment; to recognize and commend excellence and innovation in the field of architecture; and to draw attention to the important contribution of architects in the development of new ideas with the undeniable support of clients and the involvement of those who will become the inhabitants and users of these places. (...)
The jury met over three days in Barcelona to discuss the most relevant challenges that European contemporary society and its architecture are facing. As Tatiana Bilbao, chairwoman of the jury, said, the current pressing paradigm shift is the achievement of equity and democracy through inclusion and acceptance of diversity.
Many of the topics that came up correspond to the aims of the New European Bauhaus – building a sustainable future through creativity, innovation, and imagination – and focus on reuse and circularity as a key form of sustainability; inclusion through collective and participatory processes that chart new approaches to urban development and therefore contributing to improve local and global policies; and the use of materials, skills, and technology connected to aesthetic and general values.
The five finalists will be announced on February 17th 2022.

Deadline selected to redesign the former Muthesius Academy of Art
After an intensive workshop process for the re-development of the Muthesius Academy of Art in Kiel, Deadline Architects have been chosen to realize their design for the site.
The ALTE MU co-operative, made up of ca. 40 local initiatives, invited three offices to design solutions and strategies for the future of the site.
Deadline’s strategy for meeting the diverse needs of the existing users during and after construction, and their distinctive urban design solution prevailed over the other proposals. The jury’s unanimous decision has opened a new and exciting chapter for this centrally located and distinctive late 1950‘s structure.
Our team is excited to work together with the local office graadwies and the multifaceted ALTE MU initiative to adapt the participative design and development models we explored in Frizz23 to a new challenge in this distinctive northern German city.
ALTE MU eG, Lorentzendamm 6-8, 24103 Kiel

Shortlisted: DeZeen Award 2021
Frizz23 is the only architecture project in Germany shortlisted for the DeZeen Award 2021. The jury has selected 61 buildings from 4.700 international submissions, the final decision will be made in November 2021
In addition to the jury, there is a public vote – submit your votes before October 11th – Frizz23 is one of five projects in the category Business Building

Winner: Berlin Award
The Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt has won the Berlin Award 2021. This prize, first awarded in 2010, recognizes projects that focus on innovative programming and processes as the seed for generating outstanding buildings and neighbourhoods. Deadline is proud to have contributed Frizz23 as one of three buildings in the prize winning ensemble.
The Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt was selected in the category Moderation Processes and honors the innovative dialogue processes and models we developed to make this project possible.
As the chairwoman of the jury, Senatsbaudirektorin Regula Lüscher, explains:
Die Corona-Pandemie hat schlagartig vielerorts die Wandlungsfähigkeit und Stärken der Stadtgesellschaft zum Vorschein gebracht. Der Lockdown hat zwar konkrete infrastrukturelle Lücken deutlich gemacht, aber auch ein fundamentales Bedürfnis nach Urbanität und Öffentlichkeit gezeigt.
Mit dem Berlin Award 2021 möchte ich Berliner Projekte auszeichnen, die die besondere Urbanität und Identität Berlins unter dem Aspekt des steten Wandels zeitgemäß ausdrücken und damit in die Zukunft weisen.
For further information please see the press release from the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen
Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt
Architects and Planners
- bbzl böhm benfer zahiri landschaften städtebau
- Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten
- bfstudio Partnerschaft von Architekten mbB Benita Braun-Feldweg & Matthias Muffert
- Deadline Architekten Griffin Jürgens GbR
- ifau – Heinemann, Heiß, Schmidt GbR, Heide & von Beckerath Architekten PartG mbB
in collaboration with
- Belius GmbH, Büro Urbanizers
- Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (u.a. Manfred Kühne, Leiter Abt. II) sowie Umwelt und Verkehr (u.a. Renate Koll-Hortien Abt. III C), Bezirk Friedrichshain- Kreuzberg (u.a. Matthias Peckskamp, Leiter FB Stadtplanung)
- METROPOLENHAUS Am Jüdischen Museum GmbH & Co. KG
- IBeB GbR (Selbstbaugenossenschaft Berlin eG, ev. Gemeindeverein der Gehörlosen, priv. Eigentümer)
- Frizz23 (Forum für Berufsbildung e.V.,Frizz 20 GbR, Miniloft Kreuzberg GbR)

Winner: Deutscher Städtebaupreis
The Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt has won the Deutscher Städtebaupreis 2020. This important national prize for urban design is awarded by the German Academy for Urban and Landscape Planning every second year. Deadline is proud to have contributed Frizz23 as one of four buildings in the prize winning ensemble.
We were particularly grateful that the jury chose to recognize the pioneering work so many different people and organizations have done to make this happen. We hope that the prize will help disseminate the strategies and models we developed, and that it will encourage more cities to actively pursue participative urban development on a large scale.
As the chairwoman of the jury, Prof. Dr. Christina Simon-Philipp, HFT Stuttgart, explains:
Das Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt ist ein hoch-komplexes und intelligentes Projekt mit vielen spannenden und sehr engagierten Beteiligten, deren Motivation und Ziel es ist, Stadt kooperativ und ko-kreativ weiterzuentwickeln.()
Stadtverantwortung und Stadtreparatur vereinen sich par Exzellenz: Urbane Vielfalt, gemeinschaftliche Teilhabe, aktive Erdgeschossbereiche und eine höchst vielfältige Mischung aus Trägern, Nutzerinnen und Nutzern ()
Das Projekt setzt damit Orientierung und Maßstäbe für die sozial orientierte, von vielfältigen Akteuren getragene Stadtentwicklung und ist im Sinne des Deutschen Städtebaupreises besonders beispielgebend.
For further information please see the project description from the DASL
Quartier am ehemaligen Blumengroßmarkt
Architects and Planners
- bbzl böhm benfer zahiri landschaften städtebau
- Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten
- bfstudio Partnerschaft von Architekten mbB Benita Braun-Feldweg & Matthias Muffert
- Deadline Architekten Griffin Jürgens GbR
- ifau – Heinemann, Heiß, Schmidt GbR, Heide & von Beckerath Architekten PartG mbB
- E2A / Piet Eckert und Wim Eckert Architekten
in collaboration with
- Belius GmbH, Büro Urbanizers
- Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (u.a. Manfred Kühne, Leiter Abt. II) sowie Umwelt und Verkehr (u.a. Renate Koll-Hortien Abt. III C), Bezirk Friedrichshain- Kreuzberg (u.a. Matthias Peckskamp, Leiter FB Stadtplanung)
- METROPOLENHAUS Am Jüdischen Museum GmbH & Co. KG
- IBeB GbR (Selbstbaugenossenschaft Berlin eG, ev. Gemeindeverein der Gehörlosen, priv. Eigentümer)
- Frizz23 (Forum für Berufsbildung e.V.,Frizz 20 GbR, Miniloft Kreuzberg GbR)
- taz Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft

Nominated: Mies van der Rohe Award
Frizz23 is one of 25 buildings in Germany to be nominated for the The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2022.
The Mies Award is one of the most prestigious architecture prizes in the world. It is awarded every two years by the European Commission to recognise and commend excellence in European architecture in conceptual, social, cultural, technical and constructive terms.

Shortlisted: Heinze Award 2019
Frizz23 is shortlisted for the Heinze Award 2019 as one of the best non housing buildings in Germany.

Shortlisted: DAM-Preis für Architektur 2020
Frizz23 is shortlisted for the DAM Preis 2020 as one of the best buildings in Germany.
It will be featured in the exhibition The 26 Best Buildings in/from Germany in the Deutsche Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt from Feb 1. 2020 until May 10 2020

„Tag der Architektur“ am 23. + 24. Juni, Architektenkammer Berlin
Deadline beteiligt sich an dem „Tag der Architektur“ mit diesen 2 Veranstaltungen:
Auftakt Tag der Architektur 2018:
Podiumsdiskussion „Was gibt die Architektur der Stadt zurück?“
Di 19. Juni, 15:00
Führungen: So 24. Juni, 14:00 / 15:00

MakeCity „Das Festival für Architektur & Andersmachen“ vom 14. Juni – 1. Juli 2018
Deadline beteiligt sich an MakeCity mit diesen 3 Veranstaltungen:
Wohnungsbau? Da entwickelt sich was
Fr 22. Juni, 14:00 – 16:00
Unfertig ist das neue Fertig
Sa 23. Juni, 16:30 – 19:00
Frizz23 – Erst der Dialog, dann das Design: Neubau einer Gewerbebaugruppe
Do 28 Juni, 18:00 – 20:00

Deutsche BauZeitschrift: Wohnen im Gewerbe – Frizz23
Article is available to download here:

Stadt machen: Berlin – Ehemaliger Blumengrossmarkt
Article is available to download here:

Enorm: Berlin-Kreuzberg. Konzept schlägt Kommerz – Britta Jürgens
Article is available to download here:

Enorm: Stadt verhandeln. Programmatische Gedanken zu einer neuen Bodenpolitik – Matthew Griffin
Article is available to download here:

Stadt Verhandeln – Negotiating the City
What kind of city do we want? Land policy is a tool that cities can use to encourage relevant answers to this urgent question. By using innovative land allocation procedures, cities can steer urban development. Socially integrated, diverse, and open cities grow from transparent, participative and engaging procedures, which encourage and empower citizens to take part in the city’s evolution, sharing rights and responsibilities across local communities.
Behutsame Vergabeverfahren (careful tender procedures) help cities to negotiate future uses for sites by involving local communities. Decisions are driven by the economics of long term societal value, rather than short term revenue. Long term leaseholds replace auctions as the primary medium of exchange.
Visit Deadline's contribution to exhibition Neue Standards - Zehn Thesen zum Wohnen in the German Architecture Center (DAZ), Köpenicker Str. 48/49 from 28.10.2016 until 22.01.2017, open Wed - Sun. 15:00 - 20:00.
As part of this exhibition, Matthew Griffin will participate in the Y-table talk A House is a _____ at the DAZ on Thursday 08.12.2016 at 19:00.
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ, Köpenicker Str. 48/49, Berlin
For more information about the exhibition see: Neue Standards - Zehn Thesen zum Wohnen

FRIZZ23 published in czech republic architecture magazin ERA21!
The recent issue #04 of the Czech Republic architecture magazine http://www.era21.cz/ is concentrating on contemporary dense urban typology - mixed use structures - with shops, offices, living and ideally a multifunctional hall for entertainment. As a reference they show the mixed used buildings from early 20th century in central Europe, where vertical mixed used structures were very typical. They are focussing on buildings in the typical European height range of 6 to 10 floors.
Frizz23 provides exactly the mix, the magazin was looking for, even their ideal idea of a multifunctional hall for entertainment is provided by the non profit school Forum Berufsbildung e.V.
The article also describes the unique dialogical process of developing architectural and urban planning goals for the project together with representatives of the neighbourhood and of the Berlin senat and the district in several workshops.
We feel honoured that Frizz23 is included in this important theme publication!

Concept Outbids Cash
Three architect driven developments are breaking ground on sites surrounding a disused flower market. These case studies in locally integrated urban development began, when their concepts were selected from over 40 contenders in Berlin’s experimental landsales procedure. Not the highest price, but the best ideas won. Architects have emerged as developers and pioneers of entirely new processes that have potential to change the rules of the property game in Berlin. These intelligent mixed-use projects combine commercial, social, residential and cultural goals. Together they expand Berlins Baugruppen tradition to a larger scale of collaborative thinking and collaborative developing. The complexities of developing a small city quarter in dialog with multiple layers of participants is a unique challenge for Architects exploring new frontiers of architectural practice.
As part of a panel discussion in Berlin Britta Jürgens and Matthew Griffin will give a short talk about the re-development of the Blumengroßmarkt and Deadline's approach to the FRIZZ23, one of three sites being developed within a model framework for Berlin's new land sales policy.
Supported by the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
Saturday 20.06.2015, 13:30-15:30, Make City - Czech Centre, Wilhelmstraße 44
For more information about the festival see: MakeCity

Frizz23: Dialogue, Development, Design
As part of a weekend workshop at the Arsenale in Venice Britta Jürgens and Matthew Griffin will give a short talk about the re-development of the Blumengroßmarkt and Deadline's approach to the FRIZZ23, one of three sites being developed within a model framework for Berlin's new land sales policy.
The Self Made City Weekend Special explores best-practice examples from Berlin, their specific qualities, and their potential as models for sustainable urban development.
Session 3 - Sunday 26.10.2014, 13:00-14:30, Arsenale Stage D
The Self Made City Weekend Special is organised by AA Projects
Frizz23: Dialogue, Development, Design
SELF MADE CITY – WEEKEND SPECIAL 25.-26.10.2014 – official program of the 14th International Architecture Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, Venice

Bauwelt 16|2013: Innovatives Verfahren um die Blumengroßmarkthalle?
What a nice surprise – our project FRIZZ23 is on the cover of Bauwelt!
In a three page article Stephan Becker describes the processes behind the re-development of the Blumengroßmarkt, an industrial site in Kreuzberg on the border to Mitte. Three sites are currently being sold by the government to innovative porjects which won a year and a half long tender process based not only on the price, but also on the best concept.
The three innovative development models are described within the context of the site, and Berlin's changing land sales policy. The Blumengroßmarkt is one of the last unwritten sites in the center of Berlin, and could serve as a model for future urban development policy in Berlin.
Stephan Becker, Bauwelt 16|2013: Innovatives Verfahren um die Blumengroßmarkthalle?, pp. 27-29

IBA 2020 – Aktuelle Einblicke: ehemaliges Blumengroßmarktgelände
The next IBA Workshop focuses on strategies and instruments for creating urbanity, and how they might be applied outside the city center. Matthew Griffin will give a short talk about the re-development of the Blumengroßmarkt and Deadline's approach to the FRIZZ23, one of three sites being developed within a model framework for Berlin's new land sales policy.
Wednesday 15.05.2013, 17:00-20:00, Zollgarage (Flughafen Tempelhof), Berlin
The IBA 2020 Workshop series is organised by Berlin's Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung

Laboratory Berlin
Berlin has become a laboratory for new concepts in architecture. Its architects have developed communication strategies and financial models that enable a different type of practice. They work together with the people that use their buildings, creating projects that integrate the ideas, needs and broad perspectives of the future inhabitants. Their buildings react to the local environment with complex programs that cannot be generated by top down development systems.
Matthew Griffin is an architect in Berlin. Together with Britta Jürgens he runs the office Deadline Architects. Nikolai von Rosen is an artist, and academic who teaches art in the Architecture department of the ETH Zürich.
Both participate in Teameleven, a group of architects and urban researchers in Berlin that seeks to intensify public debate about architecture and the politics of urban development. Together they will present their work and its context in Berlin.
Laboratory Berlin, Bauhaus University, Weimar
Matthew Griffin, Nikolai von Rosen teameleven, Berlin

Exhibition: Potenzialwertermittlung
Suddenly a new term appears, a fantasy, emerging from the chambers of the Berlin senate: Potenzialwertermittlung. This peculiar contrivance is an indication of a destabilized political atmosphere. Are the government wordsmiths trying to preserve a dying concept by giving it a new name? The sellout of publicly owned land seems to be running out of steam. How will Berlin handle its last few remaining properties? Which types of potential do they intend to evaluate?
Christine Hunold and Matthew Griffin reclaim this invented word for their exhibition, redefining and enriching the term with their own understanding of urban potential. They tackle the delusion of comparability with images and words, seeking to expand the potential of spaces that others are seeking to capitalize on.
Opening Friday 19.10.2012, 18:00-22:00
dorisberlin Kunst, Nollendorfstr. 15, Berlin

Architekturquartett 2012 – Stadtquartiere Neue Berliner Mischung
Together with Die Zusammenarbeiter, Carpaneto Schöningh and Hütten & Paläste we have been working on a proposal for the Holzmarkt e.G. This site was made famous by the Bar25, and we want to help them return to the site on a permanent basis. This summer it has become one of Berlin's hot topics.
During this years Architekturquartett Thomas Thieme (actor), Cornelia Heller (author and journalist), Wolfgang Kil (architecture critic), Sabine Reeh (reporter for Bayerische TV) enthusiastically discussed our proposal for the Holzmarkt, alongside the Hufeisensiedlung and das Dorf (Bernauer Straße).
This annual event is organized by the Bundesarchitektenkammer.
14.09.2012 from 18:00, Auditorium Friedrichstraße, Friedrichstraße 180, 4. OG, Berlin-Mitte

Invalid Street
Invalid Street explores bureaucratic design processes and how they can be used by citizens to effect change. It focuses on the successful campaign of a citizens’ group to update Berlin’s insensitive auto-centric design for Invalidenstrasse, an important street in the historic city center.
In March 2004 the Berlin government published its plans to widen Invalidenstrasse into a four lane inner ring. The local community was shocked that the city was once again sacrificing its historic center to auto- motive efficiency.
A citizens group, Bürgerinitiative Invalidenstrasse (BII), formed to work for a better solution. It was the beginning of a seven year campaign to improve the city’s anachronistic plan, by working to cross the rigid line that separates the people who design the streets from those who use them.
Technology makes ubiquitous participation easier, and citizens now are able and expect to be involved in planning processes. As our society adapts to these new processes, designers must engage themselves as citizens to maintain their relevance.
The BII is one example of how a small group of engaged citizens can change urban design.
Talk begins at 16:00 on Saturday 30.06.2012 at BMW Guggenheim Lab, Berlin

1:1 Berliner Architekturdialoge Edouard Francois – Matthew Griffin
The Berlin BDA launched their 1:1 Dialogues series with a discussion between Edouard François and Matthew Griffin. They talked about their respective practices, their projects, and the stories behind them. Visit Locally Grown City read for a summary of the evening, and the video documentation.
The 1:1 Berliner Architekturdialoge series was launched on 13.12.2011, based on a concept by Francesca Fergusson, and documented by Architecturclips.

Hatch – the new architectural generation
Hatch showcases 114 architects who will define the physical fabric of our cities for the next 30 years, as well as the theoretical and interpretive background of architectural practice worldwide. These are practitioners for whom the old categories do not hold, and for whom modernism is no longer the orthodoxy. As the role of architects in cities changes, young practitioners pursue a range of work as writers, critics, curators, teachers, fashion designers, computer programmers, club promoters, materials experts, engineers, installation artists, developers and builders. Critically selected, the work of each architect, writer and photographer in Hatch is examined in detail to uncover the approaches that will come to their full fruition in the coming years and decades. The 800 photographs and drawings of projects give more than just eye candy. With this book you can decide for yourself how good these young stars really are.
Kieran Long is an architecture critic at the Evening Standard, and author of New London Interiors (2004) and co-author of Architects Today (2004).
Available online from Laurence King Publishing

Magic Metal – Buildings of Steel, Aluminium, Copper and Tin
Quality, durability and beauty - these are the attributes that have given metal its great appeal. Inspired by the unique and differentiated characteristics of metal, architects and designers have created buildings that are both elegant and dynamic. Richly illustrated with photographs and architectural plans, Magic Metal features around 70 outstanding projects by world famous architects such as Frank Gehry, Toyo Ito or Renzo Piano and innovative work by younger architects. It focuses on modern high-tech buildings in aluminium and steel as well as on new ways of using and presenting classical materials such as copper or zinc.

Architecture Prize Berlin 2003
On November 15th 2003 slender was awarded a distinction in the 'Architekturpreis Berlin 2003' by a jury of internationally renowned architects. It was chosen from amongst 91 entries of buildings completed in Berlin between 2000 and 2003.
One prize and six distinctions are awarded every three years for outstanding architecture in Berlin. Among the other winners in this competition were Rem Koolhaas, Diener & Diener and Giorgio Grassi.